Sunday, June 15, 2014

Keyboarding Method of World Typing Champions Cortez W. Peters Sr. & Jr. Still Relevant Today

Cortez W. Peters, Jr. 
& Carol McCallister
In celebration of Father's Day it's important to remember the legacy of Cortez W. Peters, Sr. (1906-1964) and Cortez W. Peters, Jr. (1925-1993) which lives on years after their passing. Father and son were both World Typing Champions. Recently, I was contacted by Carol McCallister who was a student of Peters, Jr. and continues to use his trademark Cortez Peters' Championship Keyboarding Drills in classes she offers as owner of Champion Business Services in Aurora, Colo.

"I have trained over 7,000 individuals for the city and county of Denver (Colo.)," she said. "They include those who are sight- and hearing-impaired, dyslexic and physically disabled.

"Then there was Danny," she said. "He was one of my students at a community school who had taken four typing classes and still could not type beyond 30 wpm."

Employing the Cortez Peters method, Carol performed a diagnostic test and prescribed drills specifically for him.

"Danny started to progress one word at a time, from 30 to 31 to 32 to 33 wpm, all the way to 60 wpm," she recalled. "He was referred to a job after completion of the class. When a lady asked him if he could type, Danny said, 'Yes.' She tested him and he typed 60 wpm with 2 errors. She said, 'Oh, you can type!'"

 Student Merrel Booker
Textbooks written by Peters, Jr. were published by McGraw Hill. When the company held a conference in Denver, Peters, Jr. invited Carol to be his guest. Afterwards, he visited her school where he received a warm welcome.

"My students loved him! The Cortez Peters method is an individualized program so no matter how slow or fast anyone is, by following the instruction, you will succeed."

Cortez W. Peters, Jr.'s educational materials are available on